After the long discussion in between GITP & GVI we're humbly yet delighted to nominate Gold Ventures Investments as our Official Strategic Global Partner to strive and support each others potential business collaboration .
The main objectives for the collaboration :
1.We may establish a communication process that works with both organizations' processes, supporting each others for determine the best allocation of project resources, and create repeatable processes that will apply across all projects and partnerships.
2.Establishing strategic plan for any projects moving forward entering global in/outbound market by setting up a strategic chart, plan, timeline etc.
3.Joint-collaboration for any upcoming online and offline International events, programs, exhibition, workshop etc. Support and enhancing technology licensing, transferring etc from each others connectivity.
This formal anouncment is the first initial step for our collaboration and we shall move this into an official MOU signing soonest in further coordination.
We are sincerely looking forward for many more collaboration in the coming days.
For more information about GITP click on the link