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GVI- AngelHub and WHub- Hong Kong Strtaegic partnership.( invitation to Competition 2021 ).

GVI build a strategic partnership with Hong Kong’s largest startup community platform and power connector to help GVI’s startups to raise funds accelerates their business in Hong Kong through meaningful connections to the resources they need and fosters the growth of the entire ecosystem in Asia.

GVI invite startups to Global Startup Competition 2021 by AngelHub and WHub The Global Startup Competition (GSC) aims to find the best tech startups around the globe that are scaling in Asia and to unleash their full potential by providing them with visibility, network, and funding needed to grow. Which startups are we looking for? Startups in the following verticals: FinTechB2C, FinTechB2B, MobilitySmartCity, HealthTech, GreenTech. Criteria to apply: Team of 5 FTE minimum

  • Remaining runway of 6 month minimum

  • Total raising amount between $1,000,000 and $4,000,000 (USD)

  • Already raised money once (excluding founders money)

  • Minimum Viable Product with Traction

  • Scaling or operating in Asia (latest by end 2021)

Application deadline: February 28th AngelHub & WHub will select the 10 finalists who will compete for the grand prize. Funding: Pitch your business to compete for up to US$10,000 cash prize and US$1,000,000 equity investment* prize. Resources: Get empowered with corporate partnerships, networking events across our network in Asia and EMEA as well as a Softlanding package into the Greater Bay Area. Exposure: Gain international exposure in front of a selected audience of investors, media partners, and industry experts. for prliminary evaluation by GVI team please send the application to :


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