GVI and Astra global organizing exclusive virtual investment event that will bring together special gusts that represent VCs, Angel Investors, that are looking to invest in high-level startups companies that evaluated by GVI .
The event will be focused on early-stage and late-stage startups companies that would like to pitch their idea and focus on penetrating the European market in general and DACHregion in particular.
This pitching session will carefully select 5 startups in the elds of : Smart city, Fintech, Cleantech, Digital health After the event,
GVI with Astra Global will give their feedback to each startup.
Time Table :
1700 Opening the event – CEO – Kobi kalderon
17:10 Each investor will introduce himself in 3-5 minutes
17: 35 Christian Bourda introduce the accelerator I2A and the corporation with GVI
17: 30 Plug &Play accelerator introduce the accelerator in a smart city in Vienna
17:40 :Each startup will pitch his venture in 5 minutes and 10 minutes for Q&A
1900 Summarizing the event CEO – Kobi kalderon

For partcipating in the event please confirm by sending email to
Kobi@gold-ventures.com .
After getting your email we'll send to you an invitaion to zoom neeting